Desktop Application Development Company

Our Services
Desktop App Design & Development

User Experiences & Latest Technologies
Custom Desktop Application Development

Building a functionally and visually rich, high-performance, responsive desktop software application with a top custom desktop application development Company. ETechtics Software Solutions have broad experience in developing custom desktop software applications using cross-platform frameworks like .Net framework and .Net core etc. We develop customized desktop software applications to give you efficient, user-friendly, and superior control over your business operations. You can hire a dedicated development team or hire full-stack developers to complete the projects on time and maintain the highest standards of code.

Our industry expertise and technical experience in the development of desktop, client-server, Intranet, and Web-based applications has enabled us to offer enterprise solutions for a broad spectrum of industries including eCommerce, Healthcare, Education, Automotive, Fleet & Vehicle Management, Retail, Utilities, Manufacturing, CRM, Public Survey, Parking Systems, Rebate Management, Chat Applications, Hospitality Management, Travel & Tourism, and Hotel Management for different geographical areas.

Hire a dedicated development team of experienced programmers.

The team will be working full-time and 100% dedicated to your company.

Constant feedback and cooperation.

Transparent and solid working methodology.

Guaranteed Intellectual property rights and Data Confidentiality.

Application Support and Maintenance

Custom Desktop Application Development Company - Techtics

Framework & Technologies
Bringing Web Sophistication to Your Desktop

Putting together customer needs and vast technological experience. With demand for accessing the required content anytime, anywhere surging, having a desktop application that also supports content synchronization, instant access to the file system, and asset download provides an added advantage. ETechtics Software Solutions is intended to provide leading-edge desktop application development services and apply different software development methodologies to build top-notch desktop solutions for customers. We build powerful POS systems to help you maximize your ROI by keeping everything from inventory to orders and sales in balance.

In case any additional work is needed, we are ready to assist with custom desktop application development or cloud-based web application development services. We offer flexible hiring models that you can select as per your unique requirements. Moreover, we are specialized in ASP.Net Zero Framework. It’s built on popular .NET frameworks like ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, and Entity Framework and UI libraries like Angular and jQuery.

System-Level Desktop Development

We are particularly strong sourcing its hardware-level expertise when developing drivers, system services, and other software, which is expected to interface with the operating system to make it connect with various devices and sensors. They include vibration, optical, and lighting sensors, as well as networking peripherals. On the system level, we work with multiple interfaces, including USB, PCI, I/O, and others.

Application Level Desktop Development

Our team is capable of implementing both compact desktop apps and logic-rich enterprise-scale desktop solutions. Leveraging the OS power, we deliver native apps for Windows, including Windows 10, Linux, and macOS along with cross-platform applications on Qt and JavaFX that demonstrate excellent performance and have great usability regardless of the target screen or device.

C++ Qt

C++ Qt is the most popular option as it is a number-one technology for cross-platform desktop app development, used by 5 out of the top 10 Fortune 100 companies.


.NET WPF is used for development for the Windows platform when integration of the desktop application development with Microsoft products is needed.


Java SWING is commonly applied for the maintenance of legacy applications. Though the platform can be used for cross-platform desktop development.

Software Development Approach
Full-cycle Desktop Software Development

We aim at maximum benefits for the Customer at every step of a desktop software development project. User-friendly interface and rich functionality of created solutions. Affordable costs and in-time delivery of desktop software applications.

Migrating existing windows forms application to WPF. Developing Desktop applications that can be locally installed on the computer using software such as ClickOnce or Windows Installer (MSI) and run on the Windows Desktop. Integrating WPF functionality into a website for greater interactivity.

Business analysis and Cloud Application Development Services


Desktop software architecture - ASP.Net Zero and Angular

Desktop Software

UI design Cloud Application Development Services Specialized in ASP.Net Zero and Angular

User Interface
(UI) Design

Desktop software development - Specialized in ASP.Net Zero and Angular

Desktop Software

Quality assurance and website Application Development Services Specialized in ASP.Net Zero and Angular


Long-term maintenance Application Development


Hardware to Software Operation:
Bridging the Communication Gap

We develop customized desktop applications to give you superior control over your business operations. We provide full-cycle desktop application development. Our qualified full-stack developers are keeping pace with the most up-to-date technologies and have a proven track record in developing complex desktop applications for a variety of platforms.

Those solution providers who are aware of the drastic impact the inconsistency between hardware and software may make, are likely to take extra effort in supplying a quality desktop solution along with their CPU, motherboard, GPU, or any other hardware component designed to work with software.

Whether you require a sensor-driven solution to talk to a software app developed from the ground up or you have an enterprise-grade internal tool that needs to be functionally enhanced to feel lean across devices and secure more targeted configuration and management, our company makes a reliable partner.

With practical skills in C++, which employs a powerful set of libraries enabling efficient implementations of frequently used operation; such advanced frameworks as Qt, Xamarin, .NET that significantly reduce the development turnaround time, our team makes desktop solution development a breeze.

Desktop Application Development Company

Looking to Start a Project?

Tell us your needs and we will set you up with the best talent and a proven
development process to build your product.